A 15 yo Brisbane schoolgirl is struggling to get a profile removed from the US ‘Dating Psychos’ website, and has been told by the site managers she’ll have to sign up and pay for the website before they’ll do anything!
“SCI FI Channel has given a green light for production to begin on Caprica, a two-hour backdoor pilot and Battlestar Galactica prequel from executive producers Ronald D. Moore and David Eick.” (Cool!)
Adobe is hammering the DRM (Digital Rights Management) tools into the new versions of the Adobe Media Player, making Flash a whole lot less friendly and flexible. 🙁
I find it very strange that many Bloggers keep reporting that Adobe is introducing DRM into its ECO system and making Flash less usable or less friendly. (as above)
This is an obvious sign of little understanding of the industry.
One of the main reasons for DRM going into the Adobe products is because clients have been asking for it. Does it make Adobe/Flash evil for giving clients what they ask for?
I would admit, they are obviously shaping this to there advantage but that is business. Flash is no LESS useful then it is without it.
I look at it similar to some one who invents a powerful technology that can be used to help the world out, or could be used for one’s own advantage. DRM is a tool like this. Creating it is not good nor evil. Its how it is used that we should judge.
James, I’ve no doubt that Adobe is doing this to meet the demand of its clients. I’m not saying that Adobe are evil, but I am suggesting that DRM technologies tend to be vastly overused and prevent uses that would otherwise be possible (and legal) under fair dealing rules in Australia (or fair use in the US).
It’s not a misunderstanding of how industry works, but rather – in many cases – an understanding of the way that media corporations tend to treat DRM as a holy grail which (while it does prevent piracy in a lot of cases) also is overused and overdetermined in that it makes fair uses and fair dealing almost impossible. (Many countries tend to make cirumventing DRM unlawful, even if that is for fair dealing purpose.)
I find it very strange that many Bloggers keep reporting that Adobe is introducing DRM into its ECO system and making Flash less usable or less friendly. (as above)
This is an obvious sign of little understanding of the industry.
One of the main reasons for DRM going into the Adobe products is because clients have been asking for it. Does it make Adobe/Flash evil for giving clients what they ask for?
I would admit, they are obviously shaping this to there advantage but that is business. Flash is no LESS useful then it is without it.
I look at it similar to some one who invents a powerful technology that can be used to help the world out, or could be used for one’s own advantage. DRM is a tool like this. Creating it is not good nor evil. Its how it is used that we should judge.
James, I’ve no doubt that Adobe is doing this to meet the demand of its clients. I’m not saying that Adobe are evil, but I am suggesting that DRM technologies tend to be vastly overused and prevent uses that would otherwise be possible (and legal) under fair dealing rules in Australia (or fair use in the US).
It’s not a misunderstanding of how industry works, but rather – in many cases – an understanding of the way that media corporations tend to treat DRM as a holy grail which (while it does prevent piracy in a lot of cases) also is overused and overdetermined in that it makes fair uses and fair dealing almost impossible. (Many countries tend to make cirumventing DRM unlawful, even if that is for fair dealing purpose.)