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Digital Distribution and the Tyranny of Digital Distance

cloud-300x184Networked digital culture is built on the premise of near-instantaneous global information exchange, and in this context, for digital media (which are, essentially, information) distance should be meaningless. However, this project concerns itself with the notion of ‘distance’, playing on Geoffrey Blainey’s notion of the ‘tyranny of distance’ (in which he argued that the physical distance of Australia from the heart of the English Empire played a fundamental role in shaping Australian culture), now asking what distance means when information and communication can be transmitted at the speed of light. In part, I am interested in the way that older business models and practices are (and largely aren’t) responding to this challenge, but equally I am interested in examining new opportunities as they emerge, be that on YouTube, micro-production, or elsewhere.


Leaver, T. (2013). Selling an Australian Cinderella? YouTube Stories. In T. Dalziell & P. Genoni (Eds.), Telling Stories: Australian Life and Literature 1935–2012 (pp. 573–578). Melbourne: Monash University Publishing.

Leaver, T. (2013). Joss Whedon, Dr. Horrible, and the Future of Web Media. Popular Communication, 11(2), 160–173. doi:10.1080/15405702.2013.779510 [Pre-print PDF]

Leaver, T. (2011). The Curious Case of Benjamin Sniddlegrass and the Cauldron of Penguins. Flow TV, 13(10). Retrieved from http://flowtv.org/2011/03/curious-case-of-benjamin-sniddlegrass/

Leaver, T. (2010). FlashForward or FlashBack: Television Distribution in 2010. Flow, 11(05). Retrieved from http://flowtv.org/?p=4668

Leaver, T. (2008). Watching Battlestar Galactica in Australia and the Tyranny of Digital Distance. Media International Australia, (126), 145–154. [Postprint PDF]

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