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Networked Learning and Participatory Pedagogies

AnEducationInFacebook_CoverI am an advocate of the idea that used well networked technologies and affordances can be harnessed in education. I am, however, highly suspicious of claims that technology will revolutionise learning simply by existing; learning and teaching are complex fields and technologies, networks and open access resources can enhance learning, but this must be very carefully situated. Teaching within Internet Communications, many opportunities have emerged to integrate social media tools and other networked affordances into my teaching practice; I am also an advocate of the development of open access resources and the importance of less restrictive approaches to copyright, including the Creative Commons licenses. As university learning changes, I am also greatly interested in the way the social tools and networked connectivity can lead to participatory pedagogies, where the most educationally-useful elements of participatory culture can be harnessed for both formal and informal learning.


Albury, K., Leaver, T., Marwick, A. E., Rettberg, J. W., & Senft, T. M. (Forthcoming). The Selfie Course: More than a MOOC. In R. Bennett & M. Kent (Eds.), Massive Open Online Courses and Higher Education: Where to Next? Ashgate.

Kent, M., & Leaver, T. (Eds.). (2014). An Education in Facebook? Higher Education and the World’s Largest Social Network. London & New York: Routledge.

Leaver, T. and Kent, M. (Eds.). (2014)  Facebook in Education, Special Issue of Digital Culture and Education, 6, 1, May, http://www.digitalcultureandeducation.com/volume-6/ [Edited journal issue.]

Leaver, T. (2014). Facebook, Student Engagement, and the “Uni Coffee Shop” Group. In M. Kent & T. Leaver (Eds.), An Education in Facebook? Higher Education and the World’s Largest Social Network (pp. 121–131). London & New York: Routledge.

Kent, M., & Leaver, T. (2014). The Revolution That’s Already Happening. In M. Kent & T. Leaver (Eds.), An Education in Facebook? Higher Education and the World’s Largest Social Network (pp. 1–10). London & New York: Routledge.

Leaver, T., & Kent, M. (2014). Facebook in Education: Lessons Learnt. Digital Culture & Education, 6(1), 60–65, https://www.digitalcultureandeducation.com/s/leaver-May-2014.pdf.

Leaver, T. (2012). Twittering informal learning and student engagement in first-year units. In A. Herrington, J. Schrape, & K. Singh (Eds.), Engaging students with learning technologies (pp. 97–110). Perth, Australia: Curtin University. http://espace.library.curtin.edu.au:80/R?func=dbin-jump-full&local_base=gen01-era02&object_id=187379

Leaver, T. (2003). WebCT: Will the Future of Online Education be User-friendly? The Fibreculture Journal, 2. Retrieved from http://two.fibreculturejournal.org/webct-will-the-future-of-online-education-be-user-friendly/

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