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Annotated Links of Interest: September 11th 2008
Links of interest for September 11th 2008:
- Girl Turk: Mechanical Turk Meets Girl Talk’s “Feed the Animals” [Waxy.org] – Andy Baio’s extremely deep analysis of the use of samples in the latest Girl Talk album. While stats like “the album averages 19.8 songs sampled per track” should be really boring, the overall analysis is, for some reason, quite fascinating!
- Has the Large Hadron Collider destroyed the world yet? – Click the link to find out!
- All Star Batman And Robin The Boy Wonder: Frank Miller Gives Batgirl Too Dirty A Mouth For DC Comics [io9] – “Earlier this week, comic retailers were notified that all copies of All Star Batman And Robin that they receive in this week’s shipments were to be destroyed instead of placed on sale. No futher explanation was forthcoming – until someone got a hold of a copy, and discovered that a problem with self-censorship had accidentally created a comic too dirty to be sold.” (Really, if you give Frank Miller a DC stock title to work with, what did you expect him to do?)
- Facebook imposes site facelift [BBC NEWS | Technology] – “Facebook’s facelift will become permanent for all its 100 million users, like it or not. Since unveiling the makeover seven weeks ago, Facebook had given users the freedom to stay with the old design or switch to the new one. Now everyone will be forced to change despite groups forming on Facebook to protest the move. “It’s pretty lame they couldn’t let us keep the old design alongside the new one,” said student Scott Sanders. His protest page called Petition Against the “New Facebook” is the most popular group with nearly a million supporters criticising the move from the old format.” (I beleive this is called ‘pulling a Vista’!)
- Adrienne Shaw
- Alice Marwick
- Anne Helmond
- Annette Markham
- Axel Bruns
- Brady Robards
- Catherine Knight Steele
- Centre for Culture and Technology
- Crystal Abidin
- danah boyd
- Deborah Lupton
- Digital Child
- Eleanor Sandry
- Henry Jenkins
- Jean Burgess
- Jill Walker Rettberg
- Jonathon Hutchison
- Katrin Tiidenberg
- Luke Webster
- Lynn Schofield Clark
- Michael Zimmer
- Mike Kent
- Nancy Baym
- Nicholas John
- Rachel Berryman
- Safiya U. Noble
- Sarah T. Roberts
- Sky Croeser
- Social Media Collective
- Steve Jones
- Susanna Paasonen
- Tim Highfield
- Zizi Papacharissi
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