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Tag Archives: starwars

Links for July 18th 2008

Interesting links for July 17th 2008 through July 18th 2008:

  • Michelle Obama’s blog [BlogHer] – In a canny move, Michelle Obama has begun blogging from the campaign trail.  It’ll help create her own voice which, at least on the other side of the world, really hasn’t been heard yet.
  • Watchmen (2009) [Apple – Trailer]The Dark Knight has raised the bar for graphic novel adaptations, but the trailer for Watchmen looks pretty damn amazing (visually). Let’s just hope the film turns out as dark and bleak as it should. The trailer does make everything perhaps a little too crisp (Watchmen is nothing if not gritty), but I thought the CGI New York with the Twin Towers in the background looked excellent.
  • Rick Trooper [YouTube] – What happens when Dark Vader goes Rickrolling? [Background here.]

Links for June 27th 2008

Interesting links for June 21st 2008 through June 27th 2008:

Links for May 23rd 2008

Interesting links for May 23rd 2008:

  • Lessons From the Class Blog [zigzigger] – Reflections on 4 semesters of teaching with a class blog in a media course. Some useful observations about how much students blog, ideas about assessing blogs and whether ‘forced’ comments are of any use.
  • Star Wars Kid: The Data Dump [Waxy.org] – Andy Baio takes a very in depth look at the Star Wars Kid meme (that he named, hosted and shared) from 2003, complete with very, very detailed stats and a look at the media coverage SWK got.
  • Cash will buy clone of man’s best friend [PerthNow] – “A US biotech company will clone dogs for the five highest bidders in a series of online auctions, in a move condemned by some ethicists who fear it could lead to human clones.” (Hello ‘RePet’ from The Sixth Day!)

Links for May 12th 2008

Interesting links for May 9th 2008 through May 12th 2008:

  • TimeTube – “Creates a timeline for any YouTube keyword search–very handy for visualising the activity around particular topics–and iterations/transformations of particular videos–over time.” (Via Jean)
  • Victorian Liberal staffers sacked for blogging [gatewatching] – Two staffers in the Victorian Liberal Party were fired after they were outed as the writers of a blog highly critical of the party’s leader. Jason Wilson: “blogs revealed once more as a politically disruptive technology”. (More from the ABC)
  • Storm Troopin’ – a set on Flickr – An absolutely wonderful set which tells the convoluted tale of Star Wars StormTrooper (toy) TK-704 and his many adventures in our world, from his quest for love, the arrival of other Troppers, and their shared love of doughnuts!
  • Grand Theft Auto IV smashes sales record [theage.com.au] – “Grand Theft Auto IV blew away video game and Hollywood records as its creators reported that it raked in an unprecedented $US500 million in its opening week.”


