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Annotated Digital Culture Links: May 4th 2009
Links for April 29th 2009 through May 4th 2009:
- The Hunt For Gollum (HD version) – a Film & TV video [Dailymotion] – An extremely impressive 40-minute Lord of the Rings fan film focusing on parts of the appendices to Tolkein’s novels. [Via Fan Cinema Today]
- REMIX now ccFree [Lessig Blog] – “The Bloomsbury Academic Press version of REMIX is now Creative Commons licensed. You can download the book on the Bloomsbury Academic page.” The Bloomsbury Academic Press version of REMIX is now Creative Commons licensed. You can download the book on the Bloomsbury Academic page. [Direct PDF link – 5Mb]
- Oprah Already Bored With Twitter [Silicon Valley Insider] – “Oprah Winfrey is one of the most famous people on Twitter, with a huge following. But it seems she is already bored with the messaging/microblogging service. It’s been almost four days since @Oprah last sent a tweet, asking Hugh Jackman if he wanted to catch dinner. In total, she’s sent 20 tweets in 11 days. Almost half are from April 17, Oprah’s first day on Twitter, when Ashton Kutcher and Twitter CEO Evan Williams appeared on her show.”