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Annotated Digital Culture Links: February 24th 2009

Links for February 24th 2009:

  • Twittering celebs tell all from Oscars parties [The Age] – Forget the gossip mags – celebrities attending the Oscars and associated after-parties gave fans backstage passes by publishing messages, videos and pictures on their Twitter accounts throughout the evening. After years of dealing with the media mangling their words, stars are now creating a direct dialogue with fans. The combination of Twitter, which allows people to post short messages directly from their mobile phones, and alcohol, led to surprisingly candid postings from the Oscar festivities. Ashton Kutcher and wife Demi Moore were by far the most prolific Oscar Twitterers. They didn’t attend the awards ceremony but hosted an Oscars after-party attended by some of the biggest stars. Kutcher posted an image of rapper Sean “P Diddy” Combs clutching an Oscar alongside the message “Diddy throws up Oscars”. He also published an image of himself with Penelope Cruz’s Oscar. (Whatever will the paparazzi do when the celebrities are all happily photo-stalking each other?)
  • Twitter and Futurism Week5 Participation Literacy [Slideshare] – Slides from a great lecture by Trebor Scholz in his Participation Literacy course, looking at twitter and microblogging, giving a solid explanation for it, a rationale, and a pretty good origin story! (And for a less kind reminder about how people, not advertisers, use Twitter, read Richard Giles’ grumpy post Basic Twitter Etiquette.)
  • Rick astley ==[FRENCH]==interview about Rickroll internet phenomenon [YouTube ] – “Rick astley (french) interview about Rickroll’D internet phenomenon ,barack roll.,Himself For Governor Of Illinois and MTV Award Hacked.” (The talkshow is in French, but Astley replies in English … it’s worth watching just to see how the subject of a meme can enjoy it so much!)

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