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Marvel Vs Image … over Obama?

Consider these two comic book covers for a moment:

obama_savagedragon_145 amazing_spiderman_583_obama

Sure, they both shamelessly cash in on Barack Obama’s Inauguration.  To be honest, the Savage Dragon cover seems a bit more tasteful than the Amazing Spider-Man one; I’ve not read the Savage Dragon issue, but the ‘bonus’ story in Amazing Spider-Man which justifies that cover is unexciting to say the least. 

It’s not just the stories that are catching headlines, though, as a war of words seems to have erupted over who had the idea for an Obama tribute first.  Apparently Erik Larsen, the owner/creator of Savage Dragon over at Image (and former Marvel penciller who was part of the original Image exodus in the 90s … and one of the few in that group not to head back to the Marvel/DC fold) is miffed that after his Obama issue was announced, Marvel announced their own and beat Larsen’s comic to the comic book stands and newsagents. While it may very well be the case that Marvel got their idea from Larsen’s Savage Dragon, it’s a shame to see these tribute issues brawled over, making the shameless cash-in even more juvenile. And the less said about the truly shameful use of Obama to try and restart the tragically hollow Rob Liefeld Youngblood series the better.


