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DNA Dating?!?

While there are many elements of the film Gattaca which are realistically extrapolated from contemporary society, I really thought that scanning someone else’s DNA to determine how romantically or sexually compatible they may or may not be with you was one of the more fictional elements. It seems I was wrong. Enter “Scientific Match“, which describes itself thus:

ScientificMatch uses your DNA to maximize the chances of finding chemistry—actual, physical chemistry—with your matches. We look at your personal values to help you find a soul mate. And our in-depth background checks provide one of the safest—and most honest—places for your search.

We faithfully guard your DNA. Your genetic information is never made public—not even you can see it. Our CLIA/ASH-accredited lab never knows whose DNA it’s analyzing, and it follows all HIPAA privacy guidelines. We only analyze a very few of your immune system genes—not your whole genetic makeup. And your DNA sample is destroyed after we’re done with it. Your genetic privacy is much more vulnerable when you get a haircut, or drink from a glass in a restaurant!

Despite their tome on privacy, I tend to think they protest too loudly. For anyone who would actually consider using such a service, all I can suggest is you avail yourselves of the lovely new BluRay version of Gattaca first and think whether you really want DNA matching to rule your love life.

[Via Rachael Joy on Seesmic]


