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Learning Futures: Day Two Insights

Insight #3: If ePortfolios and other forms of electronic presence are going to be (or are) a core part of the way graduates ‘sell’ themselves to employers, then identity management needs to be taught at all levels of education.  Identity management includes those aspects of identity which we intend employers to see, and those we don’t want seen.  If a basic search online for someone’s full name reveals drunken party pictures on Flickr or YouTube clips of bullying antics in their youth, then that is just as likely to be viewed by employers as the intended ePortfolios or other material.  Identity management clearly is something of a challenge, especially as many educators aren’t fully aware of how much students can put online (or how to temper that), but the Internet never forgets and we need students to be able to understand that for all sorts of reasons, and future employability is clearly one of them.

Insight #4:The unconference model only works when all the participants have a strong sense of what they are intending to pull apart or critique in advance.  If half of a conference is populated by people trying to get a basic understanding of something – in this case Web 2.0 – then the unconference model of primarily relying on informed participants leading all the conference sessions themselves, directed by their conversations and thinking, to the exclusion of traditional papers or presentations, is doomed to disappoint a lot of people attending that form of conference.  (This, incidentally, is not a personal gripe, but a clearly articulated sense from a number of my fellow conference delegates).

1 Comment

  1. Insight #3 is one I find very resonant. USyd is presently looking into eportfolio products and I am well aware about the lack of understanding of what a big cultural change this will be. I wrote the report that started this process off, but I do wonder if anyone who is involved in making the final decision about ‘the enterprise solution’ – a phrase that I can assure you does not appear in my report – will actually read it.

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