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Blade Runner: The Final Cut


The US release date for the much anticipated Blade Runner: The Final Cut DVD has been set at 18 December 2007 (I hope the same date will be true for Australia, but I can’t find anything to confirm that yet). There are sets from 2 to 5 discs in size, including the package pictured, which comes in briefcase in the style of one holding the the Voight-Kampff test in the film. It all looks very exciting, and, unlike, say, George Lucas’ Star Wars Special Editions, the Blade Runner sets will contain all the versions of the film, from the 1982 release, the first Director’s Cut, the new Final Cut and, for those getting the 5-disc pack, a work-print (which I’ve never seen) which has all sorts of changes that never made it to any cinema screens at any time.

One of the best parts of this collection will have to be the new ‘Dangerous Days’ documentary which seeks to be a ‘definitive’ look at the film, but really will just add more to the film’s ongoing mythology. Yahoo! has a few preview clips up, which include footage showing new interviews with most of the cast and crew, including James Edward Olmos and Harrison Ford. I thought the previous Blade Runner documentary put together by Mark Kermode was pretty good, so I’m hoping to be dazzled by ‘Dangerous Days’ if it has even more to show about the film and its cultural impact.

I’m quite pleased this set is on its way – when I was lecturing earlier this year on Blade Runner I was really starting to think it would be the last time this film would seem relevant to students, but I think this re-release will spark further interest in the film, its peppered production history and the importance of the questions it provokes. Yes, I think Deckard is a replicant in every cut, but I’d be pleased to hear why you disagree … or agree! 🙂 [Via AICN]

For Harrison Ford fans, you can also check out the Comicon report from Ford, Spielberg and others from the set of Indiana Jones 4!

Update: Blade Runner: The Final Cut will get a cinematic premiere on September 1st at the 64th Venice Film Festival!

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  1. Hasn’t there been a distribution or copyright issue with Bladerunner. Which has previously just been cleared in the last year or so.

    Think I single handily kept the cinemas in profit in 1982. Must have seen this move in that year about 20 times.

    Deckard as a replicant. I have heard the arguments for. And ignoring all fan fiction and the KW Jeter stuff.

    If the leading edge tech for replicants is being produced by the Tyrell Corporation and this is a Lexus Six, then what is Deckard, he seems a lot more advanced that Rachael. Also if he is a replicants then his immeidate superior Holden who is very anti-android does not know about it. With something liek the V-K test you would expect a few drunken party tests. Never seems to have happened. So what is Deckard Nexus 7. Just doesn’t make economic sense for Tyrell to have a Nexus working the streets of LA (in danger) all the time. Mind you Scott is not known or plugging holes in plots like this. He is more a themes mood and visuals director.

    Anyway the film is not about Deckard being a replicants but about what it is to be human. A reoccurring PK Dick theme.

  2. I agree Dick always really asked “what is it to be human”, but I think in BR “What is it to be a Replicant” by and large became the same question!

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