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Australian Blogging Conference: 28 September 2007


The big news of the day is that The Australian Blogging Conference, a fabulous-looking free one-day event exploring everything about blogging in Australia (including education and Creative Commons!) now has a date: Friday, 28 September 2007 in sunny Brisbane! All of the details are here. I’d write more, but I’m now running around to see if I can get myself from Perth to Brisbane for the day of the conference!

 Update: I’ve successfully organised flights and my benevolent university has agreed to part with me for the day (yes, the day, so I’ll be on red-eye flight at midnight Thursday flight!) so Aussie BloggerCon here I come! 🙂


  1. Ah, and I arrive in Brisbane on Saturday 29, I’m pretty sure that I can’t change the ticket, and Friday is my teaching day anyway!

    It would seem better, psychologically speaking, if I didn’t get there until the following week, but the next day??

  2. Eleanor, I know what you’re saying! After all, Thursday has an Intern Follow-up session, so I’m catching a red-eye – and thus probably going to be unslept – for the whole thing!

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